Hey Ace! An Exploration into Asexuality Description
Our sex-positive world has expanded our view of sexuality greatly in the last few decades, opening our eyes to many new types of sexual expression. However, there is one group that tends to get overlooked – asexuality.
Asexuality runs a wide range from ‘grey’ asexuality and demi-sexuality to asexuals who still want to forge romantic relationships (some who even have sex!) and those who choose instead to create new types of relationships, without sexuality or engage in D/s or kink-oriented relationships and of course those who prefer to go it alone – enjoying no sexuality or solo-sexuality.
Asexuality is an orientation, just like being gay or straight. There are so many misconceptions about asexuals and most revolve around this simple misunderstanding: it’s about who you’re attracted to, not libido. We will explore the difference here and why it is so important to the identity and recognition of many asexual people. Difficult subjects, like do ace’s belong in the LGBTQIA alphabet soup, will be tackled over the course of this interactive lecture.
This class is intended for both asexuals and sexuals alike. If you are wanting to understand this less talked about orientation, have a partner who is (or may be) asexual or are (or are struggling with) asexual(ity) yourself, Morgan Thorne will share her personal perspective on her own asexuality, how it has made life difficult and how it has increased her drive to find more meaningful D/s relationships. She also has tips to help asexuals feel less alienated in sex-positive spaces – and how event organizers can help stop Ace erasure.
Hey Ace! An Exploration into Asexuality Length
This presentation is available in a number of formats.
- 60 minutes – a quick introduction to asexuality, with advice on where to get more information
- 90 & 120 minutes – an in-depth introduction to asexuality, covering the above topics in detail. Advice will be given on where to find more information. A question and answer period at the end of the talk gives the audience a chance to have their questions answered by an asexual person.
If you would like a talk of a length not listed, please contact Morgan Thorne to make arrangements.
Keep in mind that there may be a need for extra time to allow for questions from large audiences.
Hey Ace! An Exploration into Asexuality Details:
This talk is suitable for both large and small audiences. It is best suited for conventions and similar style events.
Hey Ace! An Exploration into Asexuality is presented in gender-neutral terms. The asexual community and is open to people of all genders and those who do not conform to the binary. The presentation is a safe space for those on the LGBTQIA spectrum and audience members are expected to respect that.
This presentation comes with an optional PowerPoint presentation for added visual impact. If you would like this component, please be sure to provide a screen and projector.