We are starting a little bit late in August because I need to go spend some time in the wilderness of Northern Ontario, so follow me on Instagram if you want to see camping pics (mostly pictures of my dog, let’s be honest)

Are you interested in having control over your partners orgasm? This class is for you, then!
No matter what your gender or the gender of your partner, this class will give you a lot of fun ideas to play with controlling their orgasm with a solid grounding in safety. Play with themes of tease and denial, chastity (device and honor system) and general orgasm control.

Hot wax can be such a fun and sensual kink so learn how to do it safely and in an enjoyable way.
Discuss basic safety, types of wax, what to look for in candles and a number of different techniques to apply wax to a person.
The best part? Getting to watch Morgan pour wax all over herself 😉

One of my favorite classes to teach (my geeky soul fills with joy) is Medical Aseptic Technique for BDSM Play.
This is a deep dive into medical asepsis that you will need to know for any play that breaks the skin or enters deep into the urethra (sounding or catheters).
Get ready for some book-learning as well as some hands on techniques as you learn how to create a sterile field for your medical play.

Sneak peek for September: Back to School - Role Play, Kink & Discipline! This class will focus on a common role play theme and give ideas to add a little depth to you scene. Draw from educational institutions and traditions that involve strict discipline practices as well as both budget and fantasy scene setting & costumes.