Discovering Dominance

Discovering Dominance Workshop Description

What does it mean to be a Dominant?

How does being Dominant in the bedroom differ from being Dominant in a relationship?

How can you gain the confidence to become the Dominant you want to be?

The Discovering Dominance Workshop will explore these questions and more. As a group, we will talk about what Dominance means to each of us. We will tackle common roadblocks to Dominance as well as specific issues members of the group are having.

We will discuss the purpose of rules within a D/s relationship and how to create rules that work. Since each person and relationship is different, we will cover different styles of rule-making, including Dominance without rules. Participants will also learn how to create meaningful rituals and protocols, to reinforce the D/s dynamic in a way that works for them.

Many people find that the use of archetypes can help them get in touch with their dominance and help break away from stereotypes, especially in the beginning. We will identify common Dominant archetypes and create some of our own, as we need.

Finally, we will delve into the concept of service in BDSM. What is service? How to Dominants accept and receive service? What is in it for the submissive? Workshop participants will discover different ways to gracefully receive service within a D/s relationship.

Discovering Dominance Workshop Special Considerations

Please note: this workshop focuses on power exchange relationships – not SM play. We will not be learning any specific play techniques, instead focusing on developing our own sense of Dominance.

This class is designed for Dominants, Masters, Mistresses, Owners, Switches and anyone else who would like to discover (or enhance) their own Dominance. People who are not interested in embracing their own sense of Dominance are unlikely to enjoy the workshop.

Participants are encouraged to participate as much as they feel comfortable. This workshop is very interactive. The more you participate, the more you will get from the class. With that said, no one will be forced, teased, bullied or otherwise pressured into participation.

This workshop can be run as a mixed gender class or as a workshop open only to women-identified people (cis & trans, femmes, non-binary & agender folx, and anyone who identifies with feminine energy who isn’t specifically listed here). There will be no assumptions made regarding the gender of participants, people may self-identify if they choose (or as needed for women-identified only groups)

Discovering Dominance Workshop Length

The Discovering Dominance Workshop is designed to be approximately 3 hours in length. It is divided into 3 sections of 45 minutes, with short breaks.

  • Defining Dominance & Creating Rules
  • Overcoming Roadblocks & Rituals in D/s
  • Archetypes & Service

There will be time at the end of the workshop for questions, additional topics and general discussion of the materials covered.

Discovering Dominance Workshop Details

This class is best suited to smaller groups of 6 – 12 people. Larger groups can be accommodated, but discussions may be limited.

The Discovering Dominance Workshop is presented in gender-neutral terms, in recognition that Dominance does not have a gender. This class is a safe space for LGBTQA people, attendees are expected to respect that. Disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated.

The Workshop has an optional Power Point presentation, to help visual learners. A screen and projector are required for this option.