The heat and intensity of fire are what draw us to this type of edge play, but it’s also what makes it dangerous. In this Fire Play Workshop, we will learn, step by step, how to set up a fire play scene.
From fire safety 101 we will learn how to safely handle fire, what fuel to use and why. We will become comfortable with handling fire ourselves in a controlled environment, before even thinking of applying it to another person. Basic precautions and emergency care will be discussed as well as how to develop a plan for the worst-case scenario.
Supplies will be provided for workshop participants to follow along with the instructions and create their own torches for use in applying fire to themselves and a bottom (with instructor approval).
Two basic fire play techniques will be taught in the workshop; a direct and indirect method of play. Participants will learn how to safely apply each technique and properly time each to avoid burning their bottom’s skin.
If time allows, a demo using the violet wand for fire play will be done, with instructions on how to do it.
This workshop contains both a lecture-style portion and a hands-on portion. While no one is expected to do anything that they do not feel comfortable with, it is encouraged that everyone participates in the hands-on portion of the workshop to get the most out of this class.
Morgan Thorne (Nymphetamean) draws on not only her many years in kink but also her experience as a circus sideshow performer, first with Circus of the Damned, as a solo performer and currently with Triage Sideshow to teach the art of fire play. While fire play for kinky purposes is different than performance, many aspects are the same.
If You Love Somebody, Set them On Fire: Fire Play 101 Workshop Length:
This workshop is 3 hours in length but can be longer with larger groups.
If You Love Somebody, Set Them on Fire: Fire Play 101 Workshop Details:
This class is best suited to groups of 10 – 25 people.
The workshop involves live demos with fire. Participants are encouraged to practice, while they are in a safe environment with the instructor. A limited number of people will be allowed to have lit torches at one time, to ensure the safety of all involved and the venue.
The Fire Play Workshop is presented in gender-neutral terms, in recognition that not all people conform to a gender binary. This class is a safe space for LGBTQA people, attendees are expected to respect that.
The workshop has an optional PowerPoint presentation, to help visual learners. A screen and projector are required for this option.